Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01

15 Little Details That Make a Big Difference in lovemaking

A survey by the American Institute of Sexology shows that 15% of men and 1/3 of women lack the desire to have sex regularly. In fact, as long as a small change in daily habits, you can make a big difference in your sex life. Recently, the U.S. “Health” magazine inventory can enhance the libido of 15 small changes in life.

  1. Arrange a date once a week.
    Couples can not always stay at home, but should be more in the evening out of the house, arrange a traditional date to revisit old dreams. Dates between couples don’t need to be grand and romantic, just going to the movies or having dinner together can bring back the heartwarming feeling of the first time you met.
  2. Change the color of your sheets.
    To make the bedroom an undisturbed private space, so that the two will feel more relaxed, more intimate, sex will return to the couple. Change the color of the sheets regularly to add freshness, and keep children and pets from sleeping in your bedroom as much as possible.
  3. Discuss the distribution of household chores.
    If both husband and wife work full-time, they should share the chores equally and not just let one person take care of all the chores in order to reduce their burden. In this way, sex between husband and wife in the bedroom will be more enthusiastic, and the atmosphere outside the bedroom will be more harmonious.
  4. Put sex on a schedule.
    Couples arranged lovemaking time, included in the to-do list, does not seem very romantic. But it’s a commitment for the couple to have an active sex life. This way, the two will feel compelled to fulfill the agreement on time and thus will not be prone to make other excuses. It’s also a good idea to browse sex stores together, such as Cheapest Adult Sex Toys & Discount Hot Lingerie ,choosing the right supplies.
  5. Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01
  6. Take a shower to reduce stress.
    Various stressors in daily life, such as work, children’s grades, etc. can affect a person’s lovemaking life beyond imagination. Before sex, you can use simple methods to clear your mind of distractions, such as taking a bath or lying down to read a book.
  7. Healthy light diet.
    A heart-healthy diet can help energize you during sex. A study published in the journal Sexual Medicine noted that when cholesterol builds up in the arteries, blood flows harder, which can make orgasms harder to reach. You can lower your cholesterol levels by eating more fruits and vegetables in your life and reducing your intake of animal fats and full-fat dairy products.
  8. Change birth control pills.
    Birth control pills can be the biggest “culprit” in killing your libido. Birth control pills reduce testosterone production, which can lead to a decrease in libido, and some pills can even cause painful intercourse. Some pills can even cause painful intercourse. Therefore, you can switch to a contraceptive that has less of an effect on your hormone levels.
  9. Check other medications.
    Some prescription medications may be “behind” low libido, including medications for high blood pressure, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and anxiety and depression. If you feel that a particular medication may be the culprit, talk to your prescriber about your concerns and try to change your treatment plan to minimize the negative impact on your sex drive.
  10. Use lubricants.
    Feeling pain during sex definitely affects your mood. If vaginal dryness is causing painful intercourse, try using a silicone-based lubricant or vaginal moisturizer. Silicone lubricants have a longer lasting effect and are more effective than water-based lubricants. If the lubricant does not improve the symptoms, consult your gynecologist to see if you need to receive vaginal estrogen therapy.
  11. Eat more sex-enhancing foods.
    More and more studies are showing that certain vitamins and nutrients, such as avocados, almonds, strawberries and oysters, can help enhance lovemaking function and boost libido.
  12. Review the marital relationship.
    If a couple’s libido drops and their sex life fades, the marital relationship should be examined to see if there are underlying reasons other than sex, such as deep-seated resentment or a lack of effective communication between the two spouses. One can seek counseling from a marriage and family therapist, or a sex therapist if the problem only involves sex.
  13. Do activities together.
    For example, couples go hiking, running or taking fitness classes together, take cooking lessons, and any other hobbies that are suitable for both couples to do together. Doing so not only enhances emotions, but also boosts libido. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology says that doing exciting activities can make a marriage relationship more satisfying.
  14. Exercise.
    Regular exercise can help boost libido. One study found that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week in women could alleviate the decline in libido caused by taking antidepressants.
  15. Pay attention to your health.
    There may be more serious health problems behind low libido. If a decrease in libido is accompanied by weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, etc., it should not be taken lightly, which indicates that there may be a problem with the thyroid gland. Some experts say that low libido is also associated with depression and chronic fatigue.
  16. Consult your doctor.
    If, after the above lifestyle adjustments, you are still not rejuvenating the fun of sex, then you need to go to the doctor to get the right medicine. Experts suggest that androgen therapy can treat the symptoms of low libido, but it must be used under the guidance of a doctor.
Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01
Survey of the Institute of Sexology of lovemaking 01
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